Friday, February 20, 2009

WARNING: this one is a little x-rated

ok so i wont lie to any of you reading this i have been kind of thinking about sex alot lately. and i came (hahahahaha sorry not funny) across this article and i thought that it was interesting. so being the good friend i thought i would share.

In the article it talks about what happens when certain animals mate. and it lists the 10 animal behaviours

1. Sure, it’s cute that squids cuddle after they mate, but the female are stuck holding the semen in a pocket next to their mouths. Can you imagine not having the option to spit?

2. Emperor penguins get it on once a year, for two to three minutes, while face down in the snow. I bet even frigid ice queen Martha Stewart gets it on more than that!

3. Female alligators don’t eat for eight to nine weeks before they get it on. And you thought you were nervous about getting naked!

4. After a male bee mates with the queen, his member breaks off and he dies. Well, at least she doesn’t have to wait around to see if he’ll call.

5. Flatworms are hermaphrodites, so they fight to determine which bitch has to carry the baby. In this species, motherhood is for losers. That just ain’t right!

6. Male giraffes nudge the female’s booty until they pee. Then they have to drink the urine to see if they’re ready to mate. If they are, the males just wind up following them around until the girl finally gives in and lets him mount her. Too bad giraffes don’t have alcohol to help them.

7. You thought you didn’t want no minute man, well pity female flippers because male dolphins ejaculate in about 12 seconds.

8. It takes Galapagos tortoises 40 years to go through puberty. Sheesh, I could barely stand 13!

9. Male bedbugs stab females and then shoot them up with sperm. We need to get these girls rape whistles STAT!

10. Gigantic gorillas can weigh over 400 lbs, but their penis is roughly a teeny, tiny inch-and-a-half. Gee, it’s like they’re on steroids…uh-oh A-Rod! rs:

so next time whoever you are with wants to do it like a certain should research it first to see what you are getting into

just a thought

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lifes little surprises

so you just turn 40 and your kids are grown and ready to leave the nest. and you are excited and planning all the things that you are going to do next year once your kids leave.

and then you get you go to the doctor to find out what the heck is wrong with you and you know what they find......

A baby.

so just when you thought that you were done and that you where free to do what you want....SURPRISE here is a baby. How do you explain this to your 20 year old kids? and i mean not that 40 is old but you are now going to be running around after a little baby.

lifes little surprises....arent they great

just a thought


so what i want to know is, why are women so vicious and mean to other women?

Women should be up lifting other women and inspiring them to do greater things. but instead we spend our time ploting to do horrible things to eachother. Back stabbing. if any one has perfected the art of back stabbing it would be women.

ok so your man cheats on you. i am not saying that the other woman isnt partly responsible but your man was the one that cheated. so dont get all ghetto fab crazy on the woman when maybe she didnt know about you....maybe she did but maybe she didnt.

just a thought

Friday, February 13, 2009

How would you know.

so today i was talking to someone about my current relationship status and the person said something that really bothered me. quickly for those that are unaware i am right now in a long distance relationship. now, this person made a comment, before i could even tell them anything about me and my boyfriend, was like "oh it is never going to work. the love will fade. it will never last because there is no intimacy"

Now what i really wanted to do was punch that person in the face. but i did the smart thing and i asked if they had ever been in a long distance relationship. this is the response i got, "No but i know they dont work" ok so here is my thing. if you dont know anything about a situation. do you think it would not at least be a good idea to get all the facts before you make a judgement about it? people think because they are older they know everything about everything. well you know what, not true. the world is different now and believe it or not, not every relationship revolves around "intimacy".

So people if you want to come across as intellegent, listen to the whole story before you shoot your mouth off about something that you are not familiar with. no matter what it is.

Just a thought

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Just a thought REDUX

So a small few of you may know that i used to send out just a thought email. they were sometimes little and sometimes big ideas that i used to have or experiences that i would go through that i would talk about and people would comment and give opinions on.

Recently a friend and i were talking about them and i went back and i found some old ones and i thought that i would bring it back out again.

so lately i have been thinking about standing in my own way. why is it that you know what you want and you know what you have to do to get to it but you let your own fears and what other people think of you stand in the way. so what if you are a big macho dude and you want to watch P.S I love you. just do it. if you know that what you want to do isnt going to hurt yourself or anyone else then do it. if it is going to enhance your life and that of those around you, then do it. what are you all so afraid of?

Just a thought