Tuesday, January 26, 2010

finally got what i wanted

you know as little girls your whole life you are told that you go to school, you get a job you fall in love you get married you have babies and you live happily ever after.

But for me i thought that becuz of the type of guy that i usually liked, i started to set myself up to possible live alone. no honestly i thought ok since i have never gotten the attention that i deserve from those kind of guys then i may as well set myself up to learn to live happy alone.

I have struggled with the way that i look my whole life and it never really became a real issue until i was in high school. that was when i played sports and was in the choir and musicals and involved in alot of other things. while a lot of my friends were dating. But becuz i didnt have the typical look or wasnt a particular weight i just became the buddy. i was the one that all the guys i liked would come to for girl trouble. which broke me every time.

I struggled to change. I still struggle to change. but i decided one day that i wasnt going to settle. i wouldnt settle for anything less then what i deserved. becuz not to toot my own i think i am a catch. so i just put it out in the universe that i wanted to find a man that would love me for me.....all of me. i wanted to find someone that would love me the way that i am now and that if i change and ended up back the way i am now that he would still love me...for me.

.....and i found that......
I found the one that loves my giant butt the way it is. i found the one that will look at all my giggly bits and tell me i look gorgeous. i found the one that has made me learn to love myself as i am. i found the one that looks at me and says i want to spend the rest of my life with you just the way you are.
At least i know that when i walk through the rest of my life with other people looking at me and not thinking am a beautiful i just look down at my hand and know that i have someone that vowed to love me the way that i am.......and that is all i ever wanted.
Just a thought

Thursday, January 21, 2010

double standard

so there is a report (and a video) that some eccentric reporter in Italy on some red carpet something or other grabbed David Beckham's "Golden Balls". yup thats right i said it someone in a crowed of people just watlked right up and grabbed the man's junk.

now aside from be totally jealous of her (hahahahaha) it got me thinking about what a double standard it is for men and women. if that had been his wife Posh and some guy had walked up and grabbed her crotch or her chest (i say chest cuz Posh doesnt have boobs) security would have been all over that guy like a dirty shirt and he would have been arrested and charges would have been laid and it would have been all over the press. but becuz it was a guy getting his junk grabbed all that happened was he got ushered away with a bit of a stunned look on his face.

so what i want to know is, why is that ok? why is it that women get away with so many sexually inappropriate gestures towards men but men get the book thrown at them? i dont think that is fair....even though i would love to touch david beckahms.....ok i am stopping

Just a thought

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I always knew she was dumb but really.....

so the most irritating "celebrities" on the planet to me are that obnoxious spencer and heidi. you know who i am talking about. i have never met to people that i would like to hit with......i dont know anything.....in my life. i would rather be Paris Hilton's BFF then deal with those 2. and now i have a new beef with them.

so i was noticing that just before Christmas they had fell off the radar a little and i was doing my happy dance. but oh man 2010 and they have opened a whole new can of stupid.

The 23 year old.....23......bubble brain wannabe pop star (that is a blog for another day in itself) Heidi has had some massive work done. and i am talking the works. she has had this shaved, nipped, tucked, enlarged, pinned back and sucked out. now here is my beef......SHE IS 23 YEARS OLD.By the time that she gets to an age that she actually may have need plastic surgery, she is going to look like that cat lady.(look her up if you dont know what i am talking about).

I think that if she was going to get any surgery she should have found out if it was possible to do a brain transplant. or a personality injection....or nipped voice (as in you shouldnt be singing so shut the hell up).

I just....i dont get it. What kind of message is she trying to send to all the stupid blond girls out there that want to be like her (ok i am sorry i am sure there are stupid brunettes that want to be like her too) I actually heard this girl say she wanted her boobs a size H for Heidi.....REALLY.....who thought this girl was smart enough for all that plastic surgery?

Just a thought

these women are crazy

OK so i am going to make an admission here. My name is Alana and i watch the Bachelor.

But like i dont know if ABC is just pushing for good ratings but like did they go to a looney bin to get all these women this season? almost everyone is crazy.

Like are these women stupid or do they not own tvs? its the Bachelor. the whole concept behind the whole show is for him to date a bunch of women so that he can find the one that is right for him. so why is it that this season whenever he goes off with someone one on one these women turn into psychopaths?

but it is like a train wreck i just cant stop watching it. i think i am waiting for the season that one of these women just goes ballistic and starts killing all the other girls.

my fave thing is when they are leaving and they are like i could have any guy i want to. ok so then why are you on a tv show fighting 25 women for 1 guy?

Just a Thought

Monday, January 18, 2010

A case of the fake people

you know what bothers me? those people that are in your life that you arent allowed to get rid of......like family.

so i am planning my guest list for my wedding and man oh man i dont want half these people there. but because they are related to me, i am told that i have to invite them. honestly they dont care about me any other day, so why are they going to care about me today? oh i know why. because there is going to be free food and free booze. so they come and eat it all and drink it all and leave and i never hear from them again. what is that?

or there are those people that are in your life and all they bring is drama from beginning to end but you cant get rid of them because they are family

or there are those people that are in your life and you like them in small.....small doses but they keep trying to worm their way in

so since i cant really get rid of my family like i would like to sometimes i decided that i would post the lyrics to a song that i have had in my head for about 4 days now becuz it applies to my life right now.

Case of the Fake People by TLC

check out the lyrics they are pretty good for this kind of situation

just a thought

New Job Applications

It has been a very long minute since i have written a new blog. there has just been so much going on in life that i haven't had a chance to sit down and write anything. That and the fact that i forgot my password and didn't really care to take the time and find out what it was......hey i am just being honest.

so since that last time that i was on here i have become engaged. that is exciting news right? well maybe not to everyone.....well most people didn't last the fall out of me becoming engaged. isn't that interesting how peoples true colours come out when something life changing happens. the thing is, is that it was good life changing not bad. but still the after effect of me becoming engaged is me finding out who my REAL friends are.

People that i thought would be happy for me and stand by my side no matter what have fallen to the wayside. and people that i thought may have been to young to understand the magnitude of what getting married is all about has stepped up to the plate in a way that has blown my mind and made me love them more.

so i have decided to make some changes. i am going to start re-evaluating the way that i let people become and stay apart of my life. i think that people should have to apply to be my friend. not just mine, i mean people should have to hand out applications. it would be like you meet someone that you think that you can be friends with you give them an application. they fill it out and send it back to you. if you like how it sounds you call them in for an interview. and if all goes as planned they accept the job of becoming your friend. once they accept the position they sign a contract.

the contract says something like this: i ______________ promise to be a kind, trusting, loyal, funny, outgoing, SUPPORTIVE, compassionate, forgiving, honest and loving friend. if i at all break any of these things listed on here and anything else that my apply in being a good friend i will be fired and cut out of your life.

now i realize that a lot of people lie on job applications and that is why you make them sign the contract so that if they break it you can fire them no questions asked.

hmmmm i think this is a good idea. i think i may just print some up....what do you think?

Just a thought