Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Already a good wife

now i dont know when it started happening. but I believe that is was a slow progression and then all of a sudden.....bam my buggy is full of mens clothing and i am calling him from the mens wear department to ask if hwe would like a certain colour...........when does this happen?

i was just in zellers to buy myself some last minute things for myself and by the time i got to the check out i had one tank top for myself and 3 shorts, a wallet, a hoodie and some shoes for antonio. i mean i didnt even plan on buying him anything at all because i have already bought him a bunch of things.....sigh

so what i need to know is...does this stop? will i be able to go into a department store and only buy things for myself again? will i be able to walk past a mens specific store and not feel a gravitational pull to go in and at least look around for things that he may look good in? sigh...my shopping life will never be the same once i become a wife will it?

well at least my husband will be well dressed

Just a Thought

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how long ago it was, but probably a year or so...but remember we were in Walmart and you bought him stuff and the kids stuff and nothing for yourself!? hehe
